Paying out of pocket due to higher deductibles, co-insurance, or co-payments? There is finally an economically priced Full Face CPAP Mask that provides all the comfort and compliance found in the leading masks on the market, the Sunset HCS Full Face CPAP Mask. Sunset has designed the HCS Full Face Mask for the CPAP users who need the quality and compliance during therapy but require less out of pocket expense. Features offered on top brand masks are also found in the Sunset HCS Full Face Mask.
Sunset HCS Full Face CPAP Mask & Headgear
No worries related to the weight because the Sunset HCS Full Face Mask is only .25 lbs which translates into a less invasive night of rest. Along with the ultra-lightweight feature of the mask, Sunset offers a silicone seal that is lightweight and soft to the touch for even more comfort. There is NO forehead pad to block or distract the user’s line of vision. The air vents on the Sunset HCS Full Face Mask are diffused so that the PAP user and perhaps bed-partner will not be disturbed by the exhalation of air that is heard on most masks. These built-in vents have been designed and re-designed to give the best possible therapy as a result Sunset has developed a quiet vent system. Every detail including the 360⁰ elbow swivel has been designed to provide the very best quality possible at a low cost to the patient.